5 Ways For New Runners to Stay Motivated
#1 // Update Your Playlist

A fresh set of beats are sure to put that kick back in your step. Consider some chilled out tunes for your warm up and cool down, and then some quicker beats for the duration of your workout.
Check out these on-line tools for some playlist building assistance:
Not the techie type? Ask your tech savvy coworker, like I did. Thanks @NicoleHaywardB

Sliding on a new pair of kicks always gets me pumped for my next run. Shoe technology is improving – and so are the colours!. If you are still running about in your shoes from highschool gym class, I think it’s time. Visit your local running shop and ask for some assistance to determine your foot type: Neutral, Supinator or Pronator. There will be a shoe best suited for your foot type and your running goals.

Do you remember when it was hard to even run 1 minute straight? If you had a Success Journal you could look back to it! Some important details to track in your Success Journal include: date, duration, distance, and how you feel. These details are good to review, discover patterns, and make training adjustments accordingly. Although a simple notebook will do (pen and paper, I am still old school), there are also some free and resourceful on-line tools out there, like Training Peaks.

Ok, so maybe we will call you (and I) “Picture Takers”, no need to disrespect the pros. Check out a few of my fav adventure sport photographers for some inspiration: Colin Field, John Rathwell, Eric Batty, and Marc Landry. Beauty shots btw boys.
Most of us will have a mobile device on us for safety or music purposes, so start using yours for running photos too! Post your active running pictures to your favourite social media pages like Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest or Instagram, and – voila! – you will likely have an immediate friendly fan base positively encouraging your efforts to get or stay fit! You will also most likely start motivating those around you (that’s the full circle part that keeps me going). It is pretty rewarding to look back at a year of running and remember all the cool places you visited on foot.

On your next run, check out that street you were always curious about but never had any reason to drive down, turn left instead of right, check out the path that heads to the river, the lane-way that parallels your driving route, or the boardwalk you have never stepped foot on. I guarantee you there are new places to be seen right outside your door! Keep your next run interesting by taking a new route.
What keeps you motivated to keep running? Share your thoughts below!