Gear Review: BirkSun Solar Backpack
BirkSun: “Charge your passion.” What a fitting tagline for a solar backpack company targeting the outdoor enthusiast.
Towel, camera, phone, Polar GPS (yes, I track my km’s – everywhere I go!), the August 2013 issue of Outside Magazine and some lunch all fit easily in the BirkSun Levels Black with some room to spare. I adjusted the chest straps and fit the bag high enough that my lower back wasn’t straining and low enough that my bike helmet was not hitting the top of the pack (‘cuz that is super annoying). The bag fit snug and comfortable. I hopped on my bike and took my BirkSun Levels Black on its first adventure to my local beach.
Realizing my camera, phone and GPS all have different USB requirements, I was hoping the one BirkSun supplied would fit at least one of my devices so I could test out my new piece of gear. I arrived at the beach and read the BirkSun one-pager “how to” (yes, we are also discussing a Switch Video for this very need. I am in sales, I had to!). I dumped out the bag and started opening pockets. Much to my surprise, I was happy to find a little pouch, with all the standard USB attachments (these guys thought of everything!). The battery pack is located in its own protected pocket. I then realized I did not have the device turned on, and therefore the battery had no charge. Turning it on, I placed the solar panel towards the sun, set out my towel, and chilled with my Outside Magazine catching some rays myself (yes Mother, I had sunscreen on).
BirkSun Solar Backpack
In less then 1 hour, all the blue lights were solid, prompting me to plug in a device for charging. I purposely brought my close to dead Polar GPS with me, as I drained it earlier that day on a scorching road ride around the escarpment. I plugged it in, and the charging light immediately appeared. This is coooool!
My favourite features:
- User Friendly: I am not super techie (I carry a Blackberry and a camera still, enough said).
- The Material: It is sleek, clean and low profile.
- The Zippers: Durable and weather tested, these zippers do not snag.
- The Laptop Sleeve: It is even padded, making the BirkSun perfect for the green commuter.
- The Removable Battery Pack: If you do not need the bag and still need the charge, bring it with you!
- The Blackberry compatible USB: BirkSun does not discriminate!
The BirkSun Levels Black is a comfortable, user friendly, day tripping pack I would highly recommend.
Passion charged! Thanks BirkSun!
Just got one as a gift, and I’m wondering what sort of durability to expect? Should I consider it for snowboarding, or is one impact/one dampness going to toast it?